// Create an empty object
const object1 = {};
// Create a unique symbol 'a'
const a = Symbol('a');
// Retrieve or create a symbol with key 'b' in the global symbol registry
const b = Symbol.for('b');
// Assign 'localSymbol' to the property keyed by symbol 'a'
object1[a] = 'localSymbol';
// Assign 'globalSymbol' to the property keyed by symbol 'b'
object1[b] = 'globalSymbol';
// Create an empty object
const object2 = {};
// Create a unique symbol 'c'
const c = Symbol('c');
// Assign 'Carry' to the property keyed by symbol 'c' in object2
object2[c] = 'Carry';
// Get an array of symbols belonging to object1
const objectSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object1);
// Output the length of the array containing symbols