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function Pasta(grain, size, shape) { this.grain = grain; // Assigning the grain property of the Pasta object. this.size = size; // Assigning the size property of the Pasta object. this.shape = shape; // Assigning the shape property of the Pasta object. } var spaghetti = new Pasta("wheat", 2, "circle"); // Creating a new Pasta object named spaghetti. var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(spaghetti).filter(CheckKey); // Getting the property names of spaghetti and filtering them based on the CheckKey function. document.write(names); // Writing the filtered property names to the document. // Check whether the first character of a string is 's'. function CheckKey(value) { var firstChar = value.substr(0, 1); // Extracting the first character of the string. if (firstChar.toLowerCase() == 's') // Checking if the first character is 's'. return true; // Returning true if the first character is 's'. else return false; // Returning false otherwise. }
