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const object1 = {}; // Creates an empty object and assigns it to the variable "object1" Object.defineProperty(object1, 'property1', { // Defines a new property 'property1' on object1 value: 2, // Sets the value of the 'property1' property to 2 value: 4, // Overwrites the previous value, setting 'property1' to 4 value: 4 + 13, // Overwrites the previous value again, setting 'property1' to the result of 4 + 13, which is 17 }); object1.property1 ; // Accesses the value of 'property1' on object1, but the value is not used or logged anywhere console.log(object1.property1); // Outputs the value of 'property1' of object1 to the console, which is 17
